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Space Weapons, Britain as Euro Messenger for US and Russia

Space Weaponisation has been denied and hinted at (according to military and diplomatic need) from the 1970s onwards…  the bold outlines below are those of the article editor here and not the Daily Mail Scotland where this first appeared… From a future point of view –  or an ‘Exo-Political’ one –  humans launching space weapons systems  into L.E.O or higher …

CT AdminsSpace Weapons, Britain as Euro Messenger for US and Russia
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Saucer School – Language and Psychedelics as a Catalyst to Human Evolution

History has been re-written… The musical base frequency was switched from the natural resonant  form of 432Hz… “Most modern music is tuned to 440Hz, a shift from what many believe to be the more natural tuning of 432Hz. What are the implications of this small, but important, change? Explore more sound healing:“ Is language yet another  medium interfered with …

CT AdminsSaucer School – Language and Psychedelics as a Catalyst to Human Evolution