Mr M T Keshe – the Iranian born new energy ‘genius’ appears to have made a significant move in his PLASMA [see videos and experiences on what we’ve called FORMATTA based on CE5 or Interactive Contact experience over the years] based energy devices and bringing them closer to public grasp – not just shuffled away by above-government groups due to the …
The most remarkable abductee I met and investigated was Brian A. Scott, a design engineer who underwent six abductions over a period of five years. I first met Brian in 1976 and was impressed by the amount of data he allegedly received from beings from another solar system. This was unlike other cases I had studied in the volume of …
UFO Contactee Elizabeth Klarer Story
* Another interesting early and authentic case which plays a few language games. Klarer’s first information was that her ET group were “from Venus” – as was the trend in previous years for many 1950s/60s contact cases. This cliche home planet chit chat suddenly shifted to her ET lover coming from somewhere un-familiar to the global mindset of the time …
Changing Contact Cases – Brett and Star Craft
The nature of contact with visiting intelligences from other star systems, dimensions etc has played a far greater role than most of the earth’s population believe at this moment in time. however – as they begin to now integrate with us at a more overt level, the phenomenon of encountering or interfacing with both their craft and their many cultures …
Video – Are our higher emotional states being utilised by a faction of intelligent visitors?
Loosh was first coined by Robert Monroe after an astral projection. It is a rare substance in the higher dimensions, and it is vital for the activities of higher beings which we might call gods. Loosh naturally occurs from a series of vibrational actions during the carbon-oxygen cycle. The earth was created as a garden for loosh. The “farmers” eventually …
Post Roswell Shifts in Contact Perception
One of the main purposes of Contact Times is to not only provide news that will, in a few years, be covered as regularly as what we now consider other ‘priority’ geopolitical themes – but also to demonstrate that the nature of contact with benevolent intelligences is already: Embedding itself into our collective perceptions Undergoing a change as radical as …