Changing Times – Changing Forms

CE5, Morphing Plasma Forms: – – Some think these are military or prankStar ‘flares’ ?!   I’m sure both sceptics and the UK  military have got better things to do than arrive regularly for 4-5 of our long-term Northern groups  – who met formally at ex-Police officer and experiencer Alan Godfrey’s well attended charity talk  some years back…. *Contact* *Times* …

CT AdminsChanging Times – Changing Forms
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World Leaders and The History of AI or Foreign Technology Utilisation and Control

There’s a war on which is rooted in the 1947 creation of the National Security State, arrival of many races of pissed-off, advanced intelligences due to our ‘kids playing with matches’ scenario as we raced to activate the first atomic bomb.   From that era onwards –  treaties and offers of safer, cleaner faster technology was REFUSED by some governments during …

CT AdminsWorld Leaders and The History of AI or Foreign Technology Utilisation and Control
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Orbital Eyes – Watching Them watching US – Advanced Machines by UK Videographer in Orbit

When an individual from the Southern UK used a mix of passed-on ‘scope tech with his novel ideas and meshed it with a lot of patience and experimentation in a small garden-shed/observatory – the early results can be seen below… This was footage from the 2007-10 era.  Although individuals linked to both [R.i.P – 2004-14] and the move to …

CT AdminsOrbital Eyes – Watching Them watching US – Advanced Machines by UK Videographer in Orbit
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Dreaming Saucers – UK Event

Evolving Times – If you look at one or two of the recent posts on this  page/site –  you’ll see one podcast with a certain US host I’ve known for circa 20 years which, amongst to morass of ‘clickbate’ or just downright poor/desperate internet radio ‘shows’ on the wider issues we’ve covered since 2003 [the start of the UFOlogy re-booting …

CT AdminsDreaming Saucers – UK Event