Orbital Eyes – Watching Them watching US – Advanced Machines by UK Videographer in Orbit

When an individual from the Southern UK used a mix of passed-on ‘scope tech with his novel ideas and meshed it with a lot of patience and experimentation in a small garden-shed/observatory – the early results can be seen below…

This was footage from the 2007-10 era.  Although individuals linked to both exopolitics.org.uk [R.i.P – 2004-14] and the move to newer ideas, groups and conference themes met this initially elusive genius – a wider story emerged which was documented on a 3 page article at the old site.

We should update this high traffic article  in coming months – plus newer developments that hint at both the positive and maybe more nefarious issues we’re facing as a planet which is possibly stalling certainly open contact efforts but definitely CE5 / interactive contact  attempts at a level that can, if desired, cause awareness of individual craft/dimensionally arriving objects for those who have access to this ‘space platform’ and advanced satellite technology –  paid for with mostly our taxes and various other funding –  discussed by Catherine Austin Fitts and myself using Professor Peter Dale Scott’s work on ‘Deep Politics’ –  BEFORE the Deep State term suddenly arrived on mainstream news 😉

As can be found in select Exopolitics Journal articles from previous years – yes, the issue of interfacing with visiting intelligences who have a vested interest in this planet can indeed be added on to the ideas of a ‘Deep State’ or what i prefer to call “Above Government Groups

Orbital Eyes – Watching Them watching US – Advanced Machines by UK Videographer in Orbit -2007



CT AdminsOrbital Eyes – Watching Them watching US – Advanced Machines by UK Videographer in Orbit

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