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Experiencer – Wave #1 – Nuclear Era – Sherry Wilde

– Sherry Wilde fits nicely alongside our recent thinking as to why 60 years of UFO discussion has not only led us to a very few places that advance the positive [evolutionary] aspects of the phenomenon as she [like a handful of others]  remain without much public fanfare or kudos from the self-created elders of the research community. However – …

adminExperiencer – Wave #1 – Nuclear Era – Sherry Wilde
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ForMatta – Future Tesla, Knowledge and Consciousness Theory Found in Daily Element

Scientists have discovered a fourth state of water beyond solid, liquid, and gas. Like Our Initial Term for Emerging Conscious Contact – Water now Mirrors Such an Idea…  …whilst mainstream UFOlogy and the wider term we use due to the fear by the wider community of introducing a more accurate, general lexicon, ‘the paranormal’ –  we proposed the term ‘Formatta’ …

adminForMatta – Future Tesla, Knowledge and Consciousness Theory Found in Daily Element
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Changing Nature of Authentic Contact – Alec Newald

Having worked and known Kiwi based experiencer and author Alec Newald for several years, I know he is cautious in when and with whom he communicates. In addition, having respect for the fact that James Gilliand has merged wider themes of this issue but based on a core component of having a full-time environment [Trout Lake Washington] where the ideas …

adminChanging Nature of Authentic Contact – Alec Newald
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Communicating with Mars – The Experiments of Tesla & Hodowanec

While Nikola Tesla was conducting experiments with his Magnifying Transmitter at Colorado Springs in 1899, he detected coherent signals which he determined had originated on Mars. Tesla was widely criticized for his astounding claims, yet no one could seriously dispute him; he was a solo pioneer without peer. No one since then has reported constructing a Magnifying Transmitter or otherwise …

adminCommunicating with Mars – The Experiments of Tesla & Hodowanec
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New Majestic Document Confirms On-Going Diplomatic Relations with Extraterrestrials

A new leaked Majestic-12 document was released on June 14 which describes a variety of extraterrestrial related encounters with humanity. This document includes claims that Nikola Tesla’s pioneering radio broadcasts into outer space in the late 1800’s alerted distant extraterrestrials to humanity’s existence, which led to them traveling to our planet, and later President Eisenhower established full diplomatic relations with …

adminNew Majestic Document Confirms On-Going Diplomatic Relations with Extraterrestrials
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“The Arrival” of Far More Than We Think Possible and Perhaps Even Imagine in Human Terms

ARRIVAL of the Exoconscious: Departure of Government Disclosure. “We become members of a cosmic community and learn to work in harmony with other beings, some UNLIKE ourselves“. Mission Statement of the Institute for Exoconsciousness Author: Rebecca Hardcastle I saw the film ARRIVAL through Exoconscious Eyes, as an ET Experiencer and a professional in the field of Ufology.  The Hollywood-crafted scenes, …

Paul J“The Arrival” of Far More Than We Think Possible and Perhaps Even Imagine in Human Terms
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Evidence Summary – Exopolitics, Novel Technology and Contact

Basic Core Components in the New Era of Accelerating the Interaction with Visiting Intelligences. See –  By 2010 we had 23 national network sites/groups grown from the core few in 2003 with Dr M Salla and Alfred Webre. The Disclosure Project The Disclosure Project is a research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and …

adminEvidence Summary – Exopolitics, Novel Technology and Contact
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False Flag Alien Invasion A Possible Option to Rescue Clinton Claim to Power

  A document released by the Benenson Strategy Group on behalf of the Clinton Foundation reveals that Hillary’s Presidential Campaign is in dire straits due to mistrust over mainstream media coverage and polling. The document analyses a number of salvage scenarios and recommends one called FIRESIGN which is a false flag extraterrestrial invasion using advanced holographic technology. The Benenson Strategy …

adminFalse Flag Alien Invasion A Possible Option to Rescue Clinton Claim to Power