Introduction To develop Exopolitics we need to know who the ETs are. Developing a more proactive-interactive approach which is both verifiable and trust building we could find out more. We need to RELATE with them more and with greater equality. Let’s try it! Discard it if its false but also accept it and change our prejudices if it is not! Genuine …
Researchers Discover New Material to Produce Clean Energy
Editorial comments: We could discuss many new breakthroughs and inventions that were possibly directly provided to terrestrial civilisations [failing this we can trace a direct ‘influence of some sort] which have resulted in the exponential technology sphere we’ve seen since the end of WW2. Some technology we know was reverse-enginerred from exotic systems ‘found’ on crashed craft. At present, two …
The Enigma of the Life of Nikola Tesla – Suppressed Facets of a Genius
When impoverished inventor Nikola Tesla died in New York City, the U.S. government confiscated his notes. Why? Were they trying to steal his technology? Did they ever relinquish the notes? Perhaps one of Tesla’s most famous inventions deals directly with energy, something that is the talk of many social and political conversations and something that could be free to everyone …
Rare Early Channel 4 Discussion on Contact
Rare Early Channel 4 Discussion on Contact with Jon Ronson and British guests… back when Channel4 hadn’t sold out to advertiser preferences, D-Notices and smoking a fag wasn’t considered heretical on TV.
Protected: Alec Newald Exposes Contact as Core to Reveal Who We Are as a Species
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Protected: Rendlesham: UK M.o.D. admit Contact is Real
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Starship Trooper – RT Interviews Sarah Brightman
Whilst half the world appears to have terminal amnesia about the fact that today’s warfare can eradicate ever living thing on the planet in mere minutes, the more sane focus on experiencing a temporary escape from gravity and the wider consciousness and perspective that is part and parcel of such an endeavour. It’s ironic that Sarah Brightman had a huge …
Curiosity never-ending: UFO hunter spots ‘coffin’ on Mars
An ‘alien coffin’ might possibly be added to the long list of curious objects found on the surface of the Red Planet. Puzzled UFO enthusiasts now want NASA’s Curiosity rover to take a closer look. READ MORE: Life on Mars more likely? Curiosity discovers methane, other organic chemicals Will Farrar, a UFO (unidentified flying object) hunter from Maryland, US, noticed …
Post 2012 Era Contact Footage – Consciousness is Our Own Instant CGI
UFOs/ETVs not only morph when seen with naked eye and on film but it seems the consciousness of those taking the footage can ‘merge’ onto the resulting footage. A network of people in the UK are obtaining similar results and more – where the ET contact issue is now merging with a huge variETy of other phenomena. Previously this was …
The Crossing Point – Scientism and Official ‘Discovery’ of Visiting Intelligences
Experience and observation combined with insight often yield a new breakthrough into truth and the nature of reality. Science (and the pursuit of truth in general) is a coordinated blending of empirical observation with knowledge, intellect, insight and often inspiration. And just as it is true that no problem can be solved from the level of consciousness which created it, …