Changing Nature of Contact – Forget Podcasts, here’s a PodCraft!
Random Sample of Light-Craft Formations
– Whilst some of us see many sorts of what we think are separate anomalous objects [lights, chrome, liquid, quantum gaseous etc] – it’s my belief that many craft are in fact “re-arriving” or morphing shape depending on a number of factors I go into in a forthcoming article, hopefully due out in the globally printed and distributed Nexus Magazine.
Backed up by other data gathered over two decades in the exopolitics field – it seems the best term and science basis for grasping what is essentially an “alien” [and thus inherently un-graspable!] phenomenon is a made up concept. We, [anyone who didn’t skip this text at line 1] – in the now merging arena of Exopolitics/CE5 type contact/OOPArts/Sasquatch/crop-circles etc need to start defining and owning our emerging area – because:
The media regularly fabricate enabling their interests spread like a virus.
New fields of experience demand novel ways of seeing and labelling them
…so if we sit back and allow our individual and collective reality to be conceptualized and labelled for us – we are essentially guilty of paving the way for others who may have different agendas to select and either give power to a “thing” or render it culturally and scientifically impotent.
So the term we’ve coined after discussions with people who are more ‘science’ orientated in the USA is “ForMatta” – the 4th state of matter. There’s more of this in podcasts and radio interviews that have been done online.
Observed spectacles of UFO fleets and maybe even ‘battles’ appear to have taken place over our species history on this planet – to the point where both cave-paintings despict such things as does a more recent wood-carving from Germany.
- Jerusalem Star Form – Showing Landscape
- Jerusalem Star Form 2
- Jerusalem Star Form with Flyover Demo
- Jerusalem Star Form
- Jerusalem Star Form
- Pod Craft Misc
- Pod Craft Misc
- PodCraft Still – From 2014 Northern England
- Pod/Star Craft 2 – Semi Close Up
- Pod Formation
- Hamburger Pod Formation
- Morphing Cracker Formation #1
- Morphing Cracker Formation Brighter
Classic Saucer Shape also found in many frames between shifting of light-craft forms – encountered from groups in Brecon Beacons to Lake District.
- The Network Effect – Dual Location Skywatch
Dual Group ICAN SkyWatch
When groups think the time is right – joint events have been organised where people split into two groups at locations where we can both see activity and the other group. The lower right light is in fact car headlights over on the opposite ridge. The two items above the skyline are of course, not headlights.
Although at first glance the car headlights and the ET craft appear similar in appearance, what’s interesting is that it appears that unique process begins to take place on an intuitive or neurological level [language depends on your preferred identity as a New Ager or Scientist oriented character]. This gradual process allows bypassing of the usual [mostly useless] modes of deciding what’s real/fake or terrestrial/extraterrestrial and so on, to become efficient at recognising what is what.
This is still not to claim mistakes or delays in ID’ing objects [especially at an initial longer distance] do not occur – more that some other modality of recognition begins to activate or resonate in the very interfacing of the “real” anomalous objects relative to the terrestrial itesm such as cars, commercial planes, military planes and even advanced, what we can call ‘above government’ vehicles.
One possibility amongst many for this strange intuition could well be down to 60 years of contact literature informing us that off-world craft are in some way “alive” or linked to the consciousness of the inhabitants of the flying disc. It could be this organic ‘matrix’ or broadcasting effect that other, longer term groups such as CSETI have spoken about when they suggest that they’ve encountered ‘dimensional craft’ that land or hover near to their CE5 group but never fully materialise. Despite this – the group consensus is that something “intelligent” has landed or interacted.
Although groups such as CSETI and ECETI get results from a coherent approach to catalysing the interfacing of intelligent craft/entities/energy-forms, there is still some implication that you need to be with these various group ‘ambassadors’ to achieve the true idea of CE5 ie: ‘human initiated contact’ – with the resulting impact of individuals and wider society. This form of direct contact as opposed to mediated systems such as online video, witness testimony which may be authentic but ultimately remains subjective
Stunning set of stills above from your groups….
I hope you continue to more regularly update us with any shifts in these amazing objects you somehow manage to strike a level of friendship with.